The requirements of PLEXIGLASS polishing

Plexiglass or PMMA (Polymethylmethacrylate) is a solid, aesthetic and perfectly transparent material.

The polishing of Plexiglass is a technical polishing, simplified by the use of MERARD buffing mops and compounds.

The polishing of Plexiglass leads to a slight melting of the polymer on the surface, allowing the uniformity of the material and thus, to give back all its brightness to the piece.

When Plexiglas is worked, cut, milled… it can be marked with scratches or become opaque.

These scratches and whitish areas are unsightly and are a real inconvenience.

The composition of the polishing compound and the regularity of the buffing mop will be key elements to obtain the desired surface finish and the level of productivity expected by the customer, depending on the process in place: manual polishing or robotized polishing.

Compound buffing mop plexiglass incubator

Polishing plexiglass parts results in a slight melting of the material on the surface.

Plexiglass polishing in many markets



Polishing a wide range of jewelry, such as bracelets, rings, necklaces, brooches, medals

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Polishing of many objects in the medical and hospital field such as cribs, partitions, dividers, protective screens…

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Art of the house, decoration

Art of the house, decoration

Polishing of very many objects for the home and interior decoration such as frames, lamp bases, lighting fixtures, candlesticks, furniture, tables, chairs, armchairs…

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You need

tips for polishing Plexiglass?

Polishing tips for a plexiglass table

plexiglass polishing paste and disc

Discover below a process used by plexiglass furniture customers looking for perfect transparency.

Recommended polishing compounds and buffing mops for polishing a Plexiglas coffee table

Polishing Polishing compounds Buffing mops


 medium density felt


chroma lm



You want to polish plexiglass and you need more information

on Merard polishing compounds and buffing mops?

POLISHING Plexiglass REQUIRES THE USE OF POLISHING PRODUCTS adapted to the part and the process in place.

Which solutions for the polishing of plexiglass?

Polishing disc paste

standard polishing compounds

The MERARD Standard range of solid polishing compounds covers a wide range of polishing operations: traditional or industrial, small or large volumes, robotized, automatic or manual.
For these productions, reliability, performance and profitability are major issues.

The Standard range of polishing compounds is adapted to all types of polishing in search of brilliance, cost reduction and productivity gains and meets the requirements of industrial markets.

  • A rigorous manufacturing process to guarantee the reliability of your polishing results
  • Products designed to optimize your productivity and reduce your waste
  • Personalized advice that integrates your manufacturing context
Custom sisal cotton polishing disc

100% cotton buffing mops

Our 100% cotton buffing mops offer a wide range of flexibility and compliance for polishing all your delicate and/or technical parts.

The 100% cotton buffing mops are recommended for polishing requiring durability, resistance, efficiency and being able to adapt to the most demanding polishing objectives: mirror polish, extreme fineness of surface finish, perfect respect of geometric criteria…

  • Technical cotton canvas elaborated from fine and resistant threads
  • Tightly woven to bring you a high quality of polishing on all surfaces
  • Advanced treatments and finishing to meet the variety of polishing applications both manual and automatic
  • Sewn, pleated, stapled, ventilated, folded… custom-made assemblies and confections from 40 mm to 1 m in diameter

All our polishing compounds and polishing discs are manufactured in our workshops in France

Made in France

Need more details for a specific polishing?

Contact us for more information

Discover all our recommendations by market

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